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Asgard is the home of the Aesir, one of the main dynasties of the Germanic pantheon. It looks like a huge fortress with a massive wall all around to keep intruders out. The wall was built by an anonymous giant from Niflheim and his horse Svadilfari. The deal was to build it within a particular period of time in order to get Freyja as his wife. However, Loki played tricks on him, changed himself to a beautiful mare and enticed Svadilfari to leave the construction site and to follow him into the woods. As a result, one year later, Loki gave birth to Sleipnir, a stallion with eight legs who naturally became Wodan’s mount and companion. Unable to finish the work in time on his own, the anonymous giant was denied Freyja, who was glad that she was not forced to marry a savage who appeared out of nowhere. Many of the gods have their residence in Asgard and they have famous names like Wodan’s Valhalla, Freyja’s Sessrumnir, Heimdall’s Himinbjörg or Frigg’s Fensalir. Asgard and Midgard are connected by a rainbow called Bifröst, which can only be used by gods, at least in theory...

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